Tips On Being A Solo Traveler

Traveling alone can be a daunting experience and a scary one but for the past 7 years I have been travelling by myself and have had an amazing time. Today I wanted to do a post on my experiences and offer any advice I can.

Getting Bored or Missing Home
This does happen and it's not uncommon to get homesickness, I sometimes get to a new place and think 'wow I miss my own bed and my home comfort' this soon wears of once I get into the swing of things and start to explore.
Feeling bored for me tends to happen in the evening when I'm alone, so my best advice is to book a room with a tv or take along a book!

Only Thinking Of Myself
This may seem quite selfish and a mean thing to say but when I'm travelling I don't have to worry about thinking if someone else wants to explore a certain destination or if I need to eat at a certain time. I get to literally think of me, myself and I.

Getting Lost
Getting lost and being alone is not as bad as it seems, with a positive attitude and a smile it's best to ask someone. This can seem daunting and a bit of a worry so stick to police, door man and shop workers if you are afraid. Another great tip is mini foldaway maps, I know it's a worry to get a map out in a new country but most of the time you will just get a local stop and ask if you're ok.

Get Planning
Trying to find the right hotel can be a bother most of the time you are paying for the price of two people and not one, my best advice is those annoying adverts that search for the right hotel for you use them! I have used them for all my trips and have found some amazing bargains in great locations. In order to get the best out of your adventure plans some fun things to do alone, such as finding a great museum which is always lovely to walk around at your speed or how about a bar that has an outdoor seating area great for reading a book and chatting to people!

Awkward and Threatening Situations
It happens and you can't avoid it when it does, however I have some tips from experience to help you out. Learn the word no in there language, if you need to use it do it firmly and keep walking or remove yourself from the situation. Locate the police station, knowing where it is will give you a little bit of comfort as well as being prepare if anything happens. Just know you're not alone and someone will help, go into a local store and speak to the workers or if it's a museum/ attraction let a member of staff and most importantly don't ignore it and let them get away with whatever happens.

I hope this gives you some encouragement to go solo yourself! Let me know some tips below in the comments.

Jess XoXoXo  


  1. Some really sound advise here and very good tips.

  2. I'd love to go traveling, But I hate going new places alone haha x

  3. Ii wish i could travel but it costs me 50 quid in bus fair to go anywhere with my family of nine lol, mayeb someday , great advice though thankyou , maybe when they fly the nest x

  4. I am not so sure the "don't talk to strangers" is the best of advice, even though it has been drummed into my head ever since I was young. If you don't want to interact with others and experience some fascinating things, then staying to yourself is great. But, even in those all female rooms in the hostel, you have to talk with strangers if you are going to make those new friends that you mentioned.
