The Worries and Woes Of Staying In Hostels

After six years of travelling I still get questions and people acting shocked when I let them know I use hostels whenever I travel and hardly ever book a hotel. I normally get the same questions 'Is it not dirty?' 'Are you not scared?' 'Do you not worry about your possessions?' then I shocked them even more by admitting I never stay in a shared dorm I'm always in my own private room!

The best way to explain a private room hostels is like staying at a friends house, you don't know what the room is going to be like, you will hear the other hostel guests around you and it will be very homely. It doesn't sound so bad to a solo traveler who wants comfort in knowing I'm not alone in my travels.

You still get the basics such as a towel, tv, bed and desk but you don't get the hotel comforts like a snack bar, room service and sometimes a turn down. I prefer this method of travelling as in hotel rooms I'm scared to touch anything in case I'm charged $10 for eating a small bag of nuts! I also find hostels to be more homely and welcoming so I don't get worried if I spill a drink or treading mud into the carpet (of course I clean up if I do those things!).

The only downside to staying in hostels is of course you may have to share the toilets and showers, this can be a massive down side to however in my six years I'm yet to come across a mayor issue. The way I look at it is that you use public toilets so why be afraid of using a public toilet in a hostel. Obviously showering can be a massive issue but I find that most people get up at different times due to time zones that the shower rooms tend to be free most of the time I travel, it also helps to look for a hostel that has a separate toilet and shower so you don't hold anyone up by taking a long shower and them needing a wee!

The price difference in the main factor behind why I book hostels and not hotels, a hotel in Paris will cost around 300 euros for a weekend a hostels in just 150 which is a massive saving and such a big difference, I have found this in all my trips and it has shocked me each time.

I'm hoping this post will inspire at least one reader to book there first hostel and also put other readers minds to rest that i'm ok travelling alone.

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