Seeing Lady Liberty

One of the highlights of my New York trip was getting to see the Lady Liberty statue on a boat this was a great way to spend a sunny afternoon and I would highly recommend it. I got of the metro at South Ferry and was greeted by a young man selling tickets to go on a boat ( I know what your thinking, don't do it!) he showed me his ID and got chatting, he didn't force me to buy a ticket or pressure me in any way and that's why I brought a ticket from him.

 The walk to the boats is a long one so make sure you give yourself at least 30 minutes to walk there but the view is amazing and the pier looks great. The New York Skyline looks so impressive just walking a long the edge it impressed me a lot. Once there it was a small wait of around 20 minutes before I was let on the boat, I was near the front of the queue so got a great seat on the top deck right at the front.

The tour takes an hour and you get to see the Manhattan Bridge, 9/11 Memorial, Wall Street and of course Lady Liberty. On the way we got great views of Ellis Island and the Immigration Museum however the tour I was on doesn't stop anywhere so you will need to book another tour if you want to get off and explore!

On the boat you could get snacks and drinks, walk about, sit in the downstairs area which was under cover and they also had toilets! I loved the boat ride and could of went on it again and again, it's really worth going on at least one tour!

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