New York Botanical Gardens - Brooklyn

The New York Botanical Gardens are actually in Brooklyn so after a short metro ride you find yourself outside a museum and the Botanical Gardens. I did go to the museum but it didn't wow me enough for a blog post, as the staff were extremely rude I don't want to give them any promotion.

I was so impressed and amazed by the gardens that it really took my breathe away, there are so much bigger then I was excepting and so peaceful as well. I found myself just wondering about all day at a snails pace taking in all the sights and beautiful surroundings, it's a great place to go to if you want to just think and relax.

They have so many gardens to explore and so much to see that it took me the whole day to get around, in the middle are two green houses with some really pretty plants to explore. I found the greenhouses weren't overly hot so it was quite an enjoyable experience to explore.

I ended up having lunch there and they food was really nice and presented well for a small little cart, they had plenty of tables and it was all very clean. I also liked how they had centers for people to learn more if they wished and also a large pond with some lovely detailing.

I could of gone back again and again to the Botanical Gardens as they were so peaceful to be in!

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