Top Tips For Dublin

Here are my top tips for travelling to Dublin!
  • Book a Hotel out of the centre - I booked my hotel just a short 5 minute walk out of the town centre which knocked off around £100 from my bill. You don't need to stay in the centre as Dublin is flat so walking is not an issue.
  • Give yourself plenty of time to wonder - Walking around the city there is so much to take in and so many pretty sights, I always had my camera out and took so many pictures I had to trim them down once home. I found so many pretty things to take in while I was walking around so don't rush around give yourself time to just walk and take it all in.
  • Book a private taxi to/from airport - This saved me so much money and hassle, I pay a grand total of £30 to get to and from the airport. They picked me up using a hand held sign at the airport gates, carried my bags and also gave me tones of tips and tricks.
  • Take a pac-a-mac - The weather was so unpredictable when I went so I would suggest a pac-a-mac jacket that is light and can be thrown on when needed, it was rather warm but there was a lot a small showers throughout the day.
  • Talk to the locals - I found Dublin to be one of the nicest and friendliest places I had been to and some of the best advice I got was talking to the locals and asking them what they would do for a fun day out. I got some great responses and they seemed to want to talk for ages which really made me feel safe.
So those are my tips, what are your top tips for Dublin?

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