Dream Holiday Destinations

It was my biggest dream to go to New York and when I went in September 2015 I was overjoyed and so happy, I came home and thought well that's it I've seen my dream holiday and I loved it so much. It got me thinking off where to go next and if I had anywhere in the world that would make me as happy as New York did, so for today's post I have my dream holiday destinations for you!

I did visit Rome once as a child and although I do remember bits of the holiday I have always dreamed of going back and exploring. The old buildings and cobbled streets look amazing and there is so much culture in Rome that it's hard to not dream of going there. The buildings all have stories and I could easily get lost walking around and seeing all the amazing sights.

Los Angeles 
I have seen LA so much in films and in pictures that its hard to not want to go explore, with amazing walks and sights this place in 100% on my wish list. I love how happy everyone is in LA and how laid back people are as well as all the fun stores and shops that surround the Hollywood hills. Of course I would love to go to Disneyworld and Universal Studios!

I have dreamed of going to Tokyo and seeing the sights since I was a kid and love how grand and big Tokyo is. With such amazing temples and spiritual places to visit it would be hard to fit it all in with just a week, so I would have to go for at least two weeks to get it all in!

So those are my dream destinations let me know what yours are!

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