When travelling I always have a few items that are must have for my trips so I've decided to share them with you today in this post.

Travel Lock and Luggage Tags

I always have a travel lock for my luggage which has been TSA appoved, this means if the airline want to open my bag they can do without my passcode and also my permission. It's a great way to keep everything protected and also a great way to keep your luggage from being damaged, due to a law that allows staff to open your bag if you don't have a TSA lock they will break your zip and open your bag.

I have only experience going over my allowance once and it was very embarrassing! I had to place a load of items my bag carry on bag and also when coming home I panicked due to buying a few things and being over my limit, it was a nightmare. So now I have a set of luggage scales which are great at keeping my mind at ease when it comes to travelling, there easy to use and are perfect for anyone who is likely to over shop and go over there limit.

Travel Pillow
If travelling on a long haul flight I always have a pillow with me as I'm the type of person to fall asleep and almost break my neck with my face pressed against the glass or even worse on my neighbours shoulder! so I always pack a travel pillow to stop any embarrassments but also for the hotel as sometimes when I get there the pillow just won't cut it so I use my little travel pillow for comfort.

Guide Books and Reading Book
I always pack my guidebook no matter how organised I am with my travels mostly due to changing plans or wanting to look up a place I'm interested in, but also for the metro map featured in most guide books. I also take along a normal reading book for the evenings when I'm in my hotel but as well for eating out, if I'm alone I like to eat and also read my book.

So that's it for my must have items, tell me yours in the comments below!

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  1. I agree with the scales! I'm a nervous flier at the best of times so I don't want to be 'given into trouble' while checking my bag in! Plus I am always an overpacker... <3

    Gisforgingers xx

  2. Great essentials! I always make sure to weigh my bag before hand, I would hate to be overweight ha

    Lauren | Lauren the Daydreamer
