Camping abroad can be pretty fun but also pretty hectic so I've decided to do a blog post on how I cope when it comes to camping and also any struggles you may come across if you decided to camp yourself.

First up I would try to find the right campsite for you, there should be a handful to pick from when you pick your location but they may all cater for different things. You may come across a campsite for adults only, or fun one for kids so you need to do your research before booking in order to have the best experience.

Once you have the right campsite and you arrive you will be sent to a plot which your tent is on or your tent can be pitched on. For later on in the evening and trying to find your tent tie something like a bag or balloon to the tent for finding it easier, this will be a lot easier then trying to remember where you pitched the tent!

The hardest part of camping is of course sleeping outside, if it's summer and will encounter bugs and of course winter you will have to deal with extreme cold temperatures. So for the bugs infest in a good deet free spray to keep those pesky bugs away, this won't damage your skin as it's deet free. For winter camping it's important to pick the right sleeping bag you want to go with a season 4 which is the warmest as well as a liner if you can and then of course some base layers for added warmth.

Of course if you're camping your tent wont have a toilet or a shower so you will need to use the shared faculties at the campsite, this can be stressful but it's just like using a hostel or a hotel with a shared bathroom. I would advise to take some flip flops to use in the shower area, also you may be charged small change to use the showers so take some with you. If you are wild camping and need to use the toilet always remember to take a shovel and watch out for wiping yourself with anything dangerous and you don't want to hurt yourself!

Other things to take into consideration is of course the noise you will hear from other campers, this is mainly due to the fact your in a tent with super thin walls and will hear everything outside the tent including other people. If you find it difficult to sleep with noise then I would highly advise taking ear plugs but also try to not talk to loudly after a certain time and keep noise to a minimal.

Hopefully I've helped out with any worries or woes,if you still need help comment your problem below and I'll try to answer!

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