Bronx Zoo

A short metro ride out of New York city you come to the Bronx which has the most impressive zoo I've been to. It's a short walk out of the centre but there are handy sign posts to follow so you don't get lost and then you reach the impressive zoo, I got there for opening and would highly recommend it as it does get busy. I went on a Wednesday which means it's free to go but the reason I went on a Wednesday is to purchase the extra ticket so I could see and do other things that would cost a lot more on a normal day.

Once you pay and walk into the zoo you come to a small circle of buildings which have things like bugs in and birds which are great for smaller kids, you also reach the noisy sea lions which make a lot of noise and like to put on a show! Walking around you see a lot of animals in cages but they do all look relaxed and happy, the cages and places in which they live in look really nice as well as being kept clean.

There are a few places to stop for food I opted for the cafe there and got some great hot food, there are plenty of seats and it's inside to escape the sun. A short walk into the park you come to themed areas one of which has camels that you can ride for a small fee, I went for it and it's a rather strange thing to do! But there all looked after and in great condition.

I also went on a ride around the park to see animals in the wild which was impressive and very fun I would love to go back just for this part of the zoo. My ticket let me go through the butterfly walk as well as a look at a Rio production which is great for children.

Over all I loved this zoo and would love to go back again, I would highly advise you take good shoes as there is some waiting around but it's really worth the visit if you can go.

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