NYC Museums

I went to a grand total of 4 museums whilst I was in New York 3 of which I'll be telling you about today and one i'll be doing a full review on. I visited the History Museum, Metropolitan Museum Of Art and the Museum of Art and Design.

History Museum
The famous museum of History which is located on 81st, for a museum that's been in films and gets talked about so much it's really not worth the drama. It's a fantastic museum and has loads to see and do there but don't go just for the 'wow it's been in a film' go because you want to learn about the history. The stuffed animals were extremely impressive and of course the dinosaurs were a highlight, but the queues and people shoving were not so fun.

Museum of Art and Design
Located on the Columbus Circle this museum is great for anyone wanted a quiet museum away from the dramas of NYC. Located in quite a normal building is some amazing art and design all of which is completely different, meaning you get a look at different works of art and not the same work repeated over and over which I loved. It's a really nice quiet and peaceful museum to go around while being in a great location.

Metropolitan Museum of Art
Located on Fifth Avenue 81st this museum is perfect for any art lover and holds some amazing pieces of art some of which is really meaningful and holds a stronger message then people can see. I was impressed with how big and how much art this museum held, there is something for everyone in this museum and it's a must visit for anyone going to the city.

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