Central Amsterdam

Today I wanted to do a post of things to do in the centre of Amsterdam as well as a mini guide as to what to expect when getting off the train. Amsterdam is a very busy city with people everywhere, bikes and cars so it's quite a daunting and scary city to be in when you first get off the train.

Centraal station is large and busy just like a normal station, when you leave you are faced with a large canal and a busy bus station area but once you cross and get to the other side it's calm and very easy to spot where you are. In front on the right side is the Damrak street which leads to the Dam square, Anne Frank House, Amsterdam Museum and Madame Tussauds. A great place to start your experience as it isn't to busy and it's much quieter then the rest of the city.

If you go out and head to the left side you find yourself in the Red Light District which is busy with small winding streets and a lot to see and do. It's much busier and you will find loads to see here such as the Oude Kerk, National Monument and all the Erotic Museums, I would save this day for maybe day two when you are a little bit more settled.

Even though it's still Amsterdam I found it was less busy with bikes in the centre so your not always looking over your shoulder, there was a lot more canals here so more photo opportunity's, there was more to see so you are always busy and doing something but it was also a little bit more beautiful with interesting buildings and monuments which really stood out.

Another additional to the centre is the Nine Streets which is going to be my next post!

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