Top Tips For Amsterdam

A month a go I went to Amsterdam and loved it over there so for today I wanted to do a post on my top tips of how to have a great time in Amsterdam or if anyone is nervous about going to the city for the first time.

Watch Out For Bikes 
It's no secret that Amsterdam is full of bikes and it's not just pushbikes it's also motorbikes, which makes it that little bit more dangerous when walking about the city. The best tip I can give is a simple one : don't walk on the red bit of road/pavement, the red bit of road is where bikes go if you don't walk on that bit of road you won't get hit.

Try New Food and Eat Out
A lot of people have asked if I had try any of the cities most talked about brownies and when I replied they would say I wouldn't want to eat out in case I accidentally ate a space cake (hash brownie), this worried me a lot to think people wouldn't eat out because they might eat some weed. It's very easy to spot a cafe that sells this type of food and even if you do go into one it's your choice if you try a space cake or not, you will not yet pressured to try one at all!

If You Get Lost Ask For Advice
I got lost a lot in Amsterdam and I suffer badly with social anxiety so when it comes to asking people for directions I don't I just pull my map out and suffer in silence. The thing with Amsterdam is that people will go out of there way to stop and see if you're ok! I had a girl screech her bike to a standstill when she saw me with my map just to help me, all of the people I spoke to also spoke English which surprised me as I had learnt basic Dutch to speak to them but didn't need it at all whilst I was there.

Use A Tour Bus
When looking at a map of the city it may seem small and easy to get around but when you get there it is a lot bigger and much more harder to get around then you think. I used the Hop On Hop Off bus which was surprisingly the only company there in Amsterdam, so it was easy to spot and easy to use without getting lost in a sea of tour buses. People tend to use bikes as well so there wasn't much traffic to get through which meant the buses were on time and got you to places quickly which was great for a short stay.

Stay Out Of The Centre
I stayed in a hostel in the Museum Quarter of the city which meant I was able to sleep, the centre is busy and full of tourists and bars. This makes it loud and very uncomfortable to sleep in, with my hostel being out of the hustle and bustle of the city it was not as busy as most places and quiet which I loved.

So there is some of my tips for Amsterdam you may not agree or may have some more to add so don't hesitate to comment in the section below!

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