Dublin - Shopping

Of course I did a spot of shopping in Dublin, it was hard not to as everything I seem to do was off the main shopping streets! Dublin has some amazing stores and great streets to go down from tacky gift shops, to large Penneys stores and of course some high street favorites here is my guide to shopping in Dublin.

Brown Thomas
This large apartment store is off one of the main shopping streets Grafton Street, this store is a luxury store and has plenty of high end brands to choice from. I loved looking through all the expensive items and trying to find things I could purchase for a fraction of the price in high street stores. This place it great to browse and to have a look around.

Grafton Street
This is the main shopping street in Dublin which has all the stores you could possibly want, from High Street favorites like H&M, Disney and Topshop to all the gift shops you could possibly want! This street is easy to locate from St Stephens green or another popular shopping street which runs just off Grafton Street which is Henry Street.

Stephens Green Shopping Centre
If it happens to be raining or you don't fancy going to Grafton Street a popular choice is Stephens Green Shopping Centre which has some great high street stores to pick from. Located of St Stephens Green it's in the perfect location and has some amazing stores.

For anyone who is a fan of Primark I can not stress enough to please go check out Penneys, this store is HUGE! There is loads to buy and check out included a hair and beauty salon, I was really impressed with how large this store was and how much there was to purchase.

I was only able to check out the above retail stores and I'm sure there a loads more I could visit, let me know if I missed out any favorites!

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